Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 2 & 3

Sunday:  We went to an English speaking church in the morning, had an awesome time worshiping with our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ.   After church we took off and headed north from Porta Prince to Cap'haitien.  

Monday: Today was awesome!  We held a clinic in Mailot, where local people brought all of their animals for us to help.  We saw cattle, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, chickens, and ducks.  We give all of them all rabies vaccines and dewormer.  Also performed my first ever pig castration on a fairly good sized boar. 
I am loving my time here, even if I am sweaty and covered in sticky bug spray all day every day.   Keep up the prayers! 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 1

Arrived safely in Haiti yesterday afternoon.  When they all tell you it's like a completely different country, they arn't kidding.  As much as we in America think we know about poverty, no pictures, documentories or books can prepare you for the actual experience. 
It has been a great experience so far, getting to meet Dr. Kelly is awesome.  She is so strong in her faith and compassionate for these people its amazing.  
Today we had a spay and neuter clinic where we spayed 6 females and neutered 4 male dogs.  Mind you this was done on the tailgate of the truck by 6 veterinary students.  I did my first ever dog castration and half of a spay.  Rocked some subcuticular sutures!  Very thankful for my UNL education and suturing real tissue before today. 
Tomorrow we are going to attend the local church and then drive 5 hours to northern Haiti.  We will spend three days in the northern part of the island working on livestock, along with some horses and more dogs.  
Thank you for your prayers.  Keep them coming! 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Up, up and away

Not sure why the airport thinks you need to be checked in at 4:00 am for a 6:00 am flight, but never the less I am waiting to board in Epply.   I have several stops today including Dallas and Miami before finally reaching Porta Prince this afternoon. 
Thank you to everyone that has helped me come this far and for your prayers!  Keep them coming, going to need them more than ever this week.